Today, I want to write about something that's super important but often gets overlooked. Neglect and how it messes with our minds and hearts. I was inspired to write about this because of a recent video clip from my recent podcast episode. I’ve been passionate about healing generational trauma and its effects on future generations because of my personal trauma and survival experience. Because of my experience and being able to navigate to the other side of Hell, I’m also passionate about helping others begin the healing process in their lives. In my podcast episode, I discussed the different types of trauma that are common and we took a deep dive into neglect. Neglect can come in many flavors, being equally harmful to the psyche and emotional body.
Check out the video here
The Dark Side of Negligence: Trauma and Its Impact!
When talking about neglect, I think it would be a miss to not discuss that it isn’t just about the physicality like food, water, or shelter. It’s also about hearing those sweet words like, "I love you," or "You’re amazing, you can do anything!" Growing up without this kind of emotional support can leave a huge hole in your heart. a sort of emptiness that either causes you to fill that hole with the wrong stuff or shut down and protect that hole. It can make you question your worth and mess with how you see yourself in the world.
When you don't get that love and validation, it can make you feel like you’re always waiting for the other shoe to drop. You might think people will leave you, or you might feel like you’re never enough. These feelings can stick around and cause problems in your adult relationships and self-esteem.
Survival Needs and Beyond
Now, let’s talk about the basics—food, shelter, and safety. Not having these things can create a constant state of anxiety and insecurity. Imagine never knowing if you’ll have a meal or a safe place to sleep. This kind of neglect can make it really hard to trust others or feel safe in your own skin. It can create a world of secrecy surrounding your safety. You now feel like you can’t tell people about what’s really going on with you.
And what about when parents are MIA because of substance abuse, mental illness, or other issues? Kids end up raising themselves, missing out on crucial guidance and care. They don’t learn important life skills or get the emotional support they need, which can seriously mess up their development.
Breaking the Cycle
Here’s the bottom line the effects of neglect often get passed down through generations. If your parents didn’t get the love and support they needed, they might struggle to give it to you. You can give something you don’t have! They might provide the basics but fail to connect emotionally because they don’t know how. And so, the cycle continues and you may find yourself struggling with the expression of love or intimate relationships.
But guess what?
We can break this cycle. It starts with recognizing the patterns and deciding to heal. Getting into therapy, shadow work, energy healing, and holistic practices can help us process these deep wounds. By understanding our past, we can start to nurture ourselves and others better. That means talking about it! My podcast and blog turned into a personal experience podcast. I have a unique experience of being able to help other people. I was in some pretty dark and low places in my life and I didn’t know how or if I would ever get to the other side or heal. Writing has become a form of Expression and healing for me to be able to talk about these things in a way that will actually create some help and benefit others.
Healing and Moving Forward
Healing from neglect means rewriting our stories. It’s about learning to love ourselves and show that love to others. As we heal, we can break the generational chains, create a new tradition of emotional support and love for the next generation, and begin to heal our ancestral bloodline.
So, let’s commit to this healing journey together. By facing and understanding the harm and impacts of neglect, we can turn our pain into power. We can begin to create a world where love, support, and mental and emotional well-being are the norm. At the end of the day, we’re all, learning, growing, and healing.
Check out my new book 📕
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